Full > INT
Perubahan Job :
Mage — Wizard — Monk — Bishop — Grand Master
Lokasi Mengubah Job :
Wizard - Farouk in Alker Harbor
Monk - Farouk in Alker Harbor
Bishop - Luna in Alker Harbor
Grand Master - Cindamook in Naila Village
Mage Level 1-20:
Offensive Skills:
Wind Strike is your First Free Skill Once you Choose Mage Class
Fire Ball would be your Best Offensive Skill until 40
Buffs Skills:
Intelligence may help you to Increase your Intelligence
Wisdom may help you to Increase your Wisdom
Passive Skills:
Spell Barrier may help you to unable of canceling the Skill you are casting.
Wizard Level 20-40:
Offensive Skills:
As I have said Earlier this would be your Skill until Level 40
Buff Skills:
Wizardy may help you to increase your Magic Attack
Passive Skills:
Spell Craft may help you to increase your Magic Attack
Monk 40-75:
Offensive Skills:
This 3 Skill would be your Main Weapon Until 105
Kinda bit Hard so you have to be Patient
Buff Skills:
Twinkle Magic may help you to increase your Magic Critical Rate
Critical and Magic Critical have big Differences.
Passive Skills:
Enhanced Hp may help you to increase your HP and HP Recovery Rate
Bishop 75-104:
Buff Skills:
Fast Heal may help you to Heal your HP faster!
Shrewd Spell may help you to Reduct Casting Time of any Offensive Skills
Other Skills would be your supportive buff for faster Leveling
Passive Skills:
Max first those skills in Monk before you Max the skills in Bishop. Or make the 3 Attack Skills Level 10 then Max it when you have completed to MAX all of the skills.
You need to reset your skill once you change into Grand Master.
Grand Master 105-125:
— I recommend to use Light Armor Expertise so you can train easily.
— I prefer Zukini Death Wand, Power of Lotus or Medusa Staff
Q> Why I cannot use Athena Mithril Hammer?
: Because because Staff Training is working only in Wands and Staffs not in Hammer LOL.
Offensive Skills:
Why most of the Skills were Only Level 1?
: Because only your Priority is to have a lot of AOE skill
And You will know also for the continuation of your Reading
Buff Skills:
Boost Spell may help you to Give 35% Magic Attack for 45sec.
It's Cooldown is 50sec so nothing to worry about.
Passive Skills:
2 Optional Expertise:
Robe Armor Expertise [If you want more M.attack but low P.def]
Light Armor Expertise [ If you want more P.def but low M.attack]
Everytime you Level up. I highly recommend Make this Skill high for you to be powerful in farming
First to be Max - Tornado Uppercut
Second to be Max - Blizzard
Third to be Level 10 - Great Thunder
Q> Why only Level 10?
: Because If you make Great Thunder into Level 11. Its Cooldown and Cast Time would be Affected.
Q> With those 3 skill can I mob easily in Higher Level monsters?
: Yes, Just follow my Instruction. Once you become 115-118 you are able to Max the Tornado
Tip Combo When Farming:
Blizzard — Tornado Uppercut — Great Thunder — Meteor — Repeat.
When you reach Level 125, you need to Reset your Skill again and follow this skills.
Grand Master 120-125:
Offensive Skill:
Buff Skills:
Passive Skills:
2 Optional Expertise:
Robe Armor Expertise [If you want more M.attack but low P.def]
Light Armor Expertise [ If you want more P.def but low M.attack]
Q>Why the Robe Armor Expertise is only Level 24?
: Because, as you have seen, a lot of skill, a lot of sp. Therefore, no more SP to put on.
But if you take Light Armor Expertise, you may able to have an extra SP, so its up to you where do you want to put it.
Level 1-75:
You can buy Robes in the NPC's or if you want more stats, you can craft and upgrade it until +7.
You can buy the following Robes and Light Armors at:
Level 1-20: Alker Harbor
Level 25-50: Zakandia
Level 55-75: Naila Village
Weapons to be Use:
Note: I prefer Wands so you can use Shield for more defense, and most of the skills are usable only by wands or staff.
Arcwand : Level 33 Wand
Holy Ove : Level 51 Wand can get from Basilisk in The Way of Howling Ravine
Wizardly Wand : Level 63 Wand can get from Red Mimic in Dryed Gazell Fall
Zukini's Death Wand : Level 69 Wand can get from Lucky 1st Box. ( Low Chance Rate )
Level 80-104:
Equipments, I Highly Recommend Depraved Monk Set and Monkey's Full Helm. You can use it until Level 104, or if you cant afford, just craft a Light Set w/ Intelligence or Vitality crafted stats.
Weapons to be Use:
Power of Lotus : Level 83 Wand can get from Lucky 3rd Box
Level 105+
You have 2 Optional Expertise as I have said earlier
Gardener Armor: 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Vit Reinforce
Gardener Gloves: Vit or Int Craft w/ 20+ Int Philo and 30+ Int Reinforce
Gardener Boots: 20+ Int Philo w/ 25 Vit Reinforce
Necklace of Living Body: 15+ or 20+ Int Philo w/ 600+ HP Reinforce
Hathor Rings: 20+ Int or Vit Philo w/ 500+ MP Reinforce
Gemini / Castor Earring: 18+ Int Philo w/ 500+ MP Reinforce
Knyee: 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Int Reinfoce
Aias Shield [ I prefer make it +12 ]
Eternal Flame Belt or Belt of Darkness
Jasmine: 10 Int 5 Wisdom (can't be traded) can be bought from the Item Mall
Faust Robe: 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Vit Reinforce
Faust Boots: 20+ Int Crafted Stats and must be 20+ Int Philo w/ 25 Vit Reinforce
Secret Formula Gloves : 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Int Reinforce
Secret Formula Necklace : 20+ Int Philo w/ 600+ HP Reinforce
Hathor Rings : 20+Int Philo w/ 500+ MP Reinforce
Gemini / Castor Earring : 18+ Int Philo w/ 500+ MP Reinforce
Kynee : 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Int Reinforce
Aias's Shield [ I prefer make it +12 ]
Eternal Flame Belt or Belt of Darkness
Jasmine : 10 Int 5 Wisdom (can't be traded) can be bought from the Item Mall
Weapon to be Use:
Medusa Staff: Int Philo w/ Magic Attack Reinforce
Power of Lotus: Int Philo w/ Magic Attack Reinforce
I recommend any Costumes 15% HP, 15% MP, 15% MS, Shini Gloves +500hp, Any Shoes w/ Vit+2, Skelly Mask, Hellenopolis Cape, 3% INT Headband or Halo, Int Glasses. But still, its up to you on what fashion you prefer.
Note: Lv 30 Lightning Stun cooldown is 5.4 sec stuns for 6.15 sec with 98%, means 1 skill is enough to stunlock the opponent.
Stun/Sleep Combo:
Combo: Angelic Breath > Lightning Stun > Chill Breeze > Lightning Stun > Repeat.
Combo: Lightning Stun > Angelic Breath > Chill Breeze > Lightning Stun > Chill Breeze > Repeat.
Equips that can boost Magic Attack:
Alberigs Staff - 5% Magic Attack
Helm of Pluto - 2% Magic Attack
Pet is one of your Greatest Partner in this Game. Their Buffs is very helpful. So Don't forget it.
Training Map:
Level 1-15 : Alker Gate
Level 15-20 : Zakandia
Level 20-27 : Tarintus
Level 27-33 : Moon Blind Forest
Level 33-41 : Moon Blind Swamp
Level 41-47 : Red Orc Outpost
Level 47- 55 : Way of Howling Ravine
Level 55-60 : Howling Ravine
Level 60-70 : Dryed Gazell Fall
Level 70-84 : Howling Cave 2nd floor
Level 84-90 : The Valley of Fairy
Level 90-100: Ghost Tree Swamp
Level 100-111: Naila Harbor
Level 111-125: Grave of the Knights Share
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